Find out about our research and development projects that we conduct with the National Center for Research and Development, the European Union, the European Defense Agency and top international universities.
SKYctrl – a multi-sensor, weather-resistant and affordable system for protecting critical infrastructure against drone threats.
The project aims at significant development and improvement of the functionalities of the SKYctrl system, which was developed as part of the project from the “Fast Track” program and is protected by the trademark Z.464553.
The result of the project will be the development of a new modular version of the SKYctrl solution along with the development of new system architecture, a mobile platform, an updated power architecture, a new generation of electronics and antennas.
Contract number: POIR.01.01.01-00-0448 / 17-00;
project duration: 01/03/2018 – 31/10/2019;
project cost: PLN 3 795 353;
co-financing value: PLN 2 921 706.4P.
Development of a unique MIMO (multiple input multiple output) radar sensor for the SKYctrl drone detection and neutralization system
The project aims at the development of a unique MIMO radar sensor for the SKYctrl drone detection and neutralization system.
The result of the project will be the development of the MIMO radar architecture, the implementation of a prototype of the MIMO radar transmitter and receiver, taking into account the designs of active antenna arrays and low-frequency electronics. As part of the commercialization part, a number of PR and marketing activities will be carried out.
Contract number: No. 2 / LEONARTO ALFA / 2017, concluded on 06.12.2017 under the Smart Growth Operational Program 2014-2020 Measure 1.3: R&D works financed with capital funds Sub-action 1.3.1: Support for research and development projects in the preseed phase by proof of concept funds – Bridge Alfa financed by the Fund Leonarto Alfa sp. z oo based in Wrocław;
project duration: 06/12/2017 – 30/09/2019
project cost: PLN 2,250,000
co-financing value: PLN 1,800,000
Design and development of a multi-sensor system for detection and tracking of unmanned aerial vehicles
The project aims at developing a unique system to detect drones and prepare it for implementation on the Polish and foreign market. The system will be the world’s first drone detection system to include three different sensors: radar, acoustic and vision.
Moreover, the results of the project will be at the top level of innovation in the area of individual technological solutions: radar sensor, acoustic sensor, vision sensor. Proprietary data processing algorithms from individual sensors and data fusion algorithms will also be developed, which will allow increase of the efficiency of the system by jointly processing data from individual sensors.
Contract number: POIR.01.01.01-00-1273 / 15-00
project duration: 01/12/2015 – 31/03/2018
project cost: PLN 2,290,682.46
co-financing value: PLN 1,750,993.97
UGV stand-off multi-sensor platform for IED component detection (MUSICODE)
The project aims to develop new possibilities of remote IED detection using unmanned ground vehicles (UGV) and a multi-sensor measurement system using ground-penetrating radar (GPR), as well as a set of metal detectors, cables and non-linear connectors.
The project is implemented as part of the European Defence Agency’s research and technical program to improve the ability of Member States to detect improvised explosive devices (IED).
Contract no .: B 1465 GEM3 GP / MUSICODE project duration: 27.03.2017–27.03.2020 type of project: international research project coordinator: FORSVARETS FORSKNINGSINSTITUTT, Norway Partners: NEDERLANDSE ORGANISATIE VOOR TOEGEPAST-NATUURWETENSCHAPPELIJK ONODERALE, Belgium AMT FÜR RÜSTUNG UND WEHRTECHNIK, Austria AUGMENTI AS, Norway Polish consortium: Przemysłowy Instytut Automatyki i Pomiarw PIAP – leader Wojskowy Instytut Techniki Inżynieryjnej Consortia Electronica Sp. z o.o. Advanced Protection Systems Sp. z o.o. Military University of Technology Jarosław Dąbrowski
SKYctrl – a multi-sensor, weather-resistant and affordable system for protecting critical infrastructure against drone threats.
The project aims at significant development and improvement of the functionalities of the SKYctrl system, which was developed as part of the project from the “Fast Track” program and is protected by the trademark Z.464553.
The result of the project will be the development of a new modular version of the SKYctrl solution along with the development of new system architecture, a mobile platform, an updated power architecture, a new generation of electronics and antennas.
Contract number: POIR.01.01.01-00-0448 / 17-00;
project duration: 01/03/2018 – 31/10/2019;
project cost: PLN 3 795 353;
co-financing value: PLN 2 921 706.4P.